
Monday, October 25, 2010

Poll: Is a 2 Year Old Too Young to Diet?


It was recently reported in Parentdish.co.uk that a mother started her daughter on a Calorie restricted diet at the ripe old age of two.

She explained that she didn't want her daughter to grow up and look like her, weighing 238 pounds. This story is sure to create some controversy as it beckons the questions of how young is too young to diet and how much Calorie restriction should be considered child abuse.

Aly Gilardoni started her now 8 year old daughter on a Calorie restricted diet when she was just a toddler. She continues to only allow her daughter to have 700 Calories a day which is well below what is recommended for a growing 8 year old.

The daughter says she doesn't want to be a fat child and grow up to look like her mother. The mother still eats whatever she wants snacking on junk food after the daughter goes to bed. Gilardoni was even quoted saying,

"I feel some guilt about having treats, but Corleigh's not bothered. I'm glad I've trained her. I want her to grow up happy and do things I never did. When I look in the mirror I still see a huge, monstrous woman. Corleigh's not so under­weight she's going to die next week. With an eating disorder you can get through it with therapy. But when you're fat, you're fat for life."

Even though the daughter appears to be healthy but slightly underweight, this story raises a lot of red flags.

What do you think? Participate in the poll and comments below.

Is it child abuse to put a normal 2 year old on a very low Calorie restricted diet?

View the original article here

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